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Tennessee Dixon

Winning Bid: $175.00

Jumping, 1994
Collage with paint on paper
5 1/2 x7 1/2 in.

Retail Price: $350.00

Item condition: New

PROVENANCE: Courtesy of the Artist

This and a group of other storybook-like drawings are connected to cut out text poems exploring ideas around the boundaries of self and the cultural fabric

“my path of self-conviction or to be more precise a lack of conviction toward other, another,
which is not I, my, “mono”, an ideology, principle of I am, but case i.e. S. 8:167, “Moses and I
may at times go fishing”, What am I talking about there? My own fishing. it seems I have lost
track. What does it mean such collective matters as fairy tales”.

Tennessee Dixon  has worked in a range of media – poetry, drawings, prints and artists books, interactive-media including SCRUTINY IN THE GREAT ROUND (CD-ROM published internationally), interactive-video with choreographers Yin Mei – CITY OF PAPER (Jacobs Pillow) and Ivan Angelus – VU (Trafo, Budapest), and komungo master Jin Hi Kim – DONG DONG-TOUCHING THE MOONS (a lunar ritual of music, dance and animation – touring production). Recent theatrical set-projection design credits include RICHARD 3.0 (Synetic Theatre), END OF WAR, IN MY CHAIR (Virginia Repertory Theatre), PRELUDES, UBU84 (Firehouse Theatre), GLASS MENAGERIE (5th Wall), TRANSCRIPTS (Richmond Triangle

Auction History

Auction has finished

Highest bidder was: g********n

Date Bid User Auto
November 5, 2020 3:14 am$175.00g********n
October 28, 2020 12:01 amAuction started